The Q-ERP Trading software program system has passed the assessment according to the criteria for registering products and services in the Thailand Digital Service Account.
Quadra Technology Co., Ltd. has been certified according to the criteria for developing software for sale according to the Revenue Department's standards, the software name is Q-ERP system, and has been approved with the software house identification number 0562, reference and Quadra Technology Co., Ltd. is an ERP software service provider that supports the preparation and submission of e-TAX INVOICE & RECEIPT system data according to the Revenue Department's standards, reference In addition, Quadra Technology Co., Ltd. has also been certified for the software development process according to the international standard ISO/IEC 29110 (developed products And sales include Q-ERP system, Q-IIOT system, Q-HRM system, Q-Ecommerce system, Q-Attendance system, Q-Hotel system, Q-POS system, Q-WMS, etc.)