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Q-ERP Manufacturing

This ERP solution provides the resource planning for large organization including Purchase Module, Sales Module, Inventory Module, Accounting Module, and Manufacturing Module.

Key Features

  • The ERP Manufacturing has comprised of 5 core modules; Purchase Module, Sales Module, Inventory Module, Accounting Module, and Manufacturing Module. With our respect to ease of use, and assure that data are consistency.
  • The extension of ERP Manufacturing is linked to other Modules including Bill of Material with Manufacturing Formular and Cost of Material with Manufacturing Formular.
  • In order to increase the effectiveness of the executive manager who has plan to apply the manufacturing, inventory and financial on your business which enable to use data analysis by Pivot Table; for example, Purchases Data Analysis, Sales Data Analysis, Inventory Data Analysis, CashBank Data Analysis, and enable to be closed account. All of them are mandatory for your business.
    • Express version (Q-ERP/xM): Suitable for 10 users working simultanuously. Start with low cost and versatile feasibilities.
    • Enterprise version (Q-ERP/eM): Suitable for over 35 users working simultanuously which is providing full-options functionalities.
  • To support to large organization with full-features of ERP including Purchases Module, Sales Module, Inventory Module, Accounting Module, and Manufacturing Module.
  • In order to increase the effectiveness in manipulating inventory with providing Lot spare for sales, Lot remaining of FIFO (First-In First-Out) and FEFO (First-Expired First-Out) and Lot customization.
  • It computes the bill of materials and expenses

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